I began this blog (six months after bklynprose was born) with a plan to be transparent about my life and mental state. Coincidentally, all of my traumas were coming to the surface at once. I didn't want to operate this thing behind a facade 🙄 so a few months into blogging, I started my search for effective coping mechanisms + a therapist.
Knowing that 22 of my friends and family donated a total of $600 to FORCE and The Monument Quilt boosted my excitement. I was confident that I could run eight miles for survivors of sexual violence.
I'm learning how to breathe again; I'm learning how to stop the anxiety as I notice it. I'm figuring out the best ways for me to manage stress of all levels, which, IF YOU'VE BEEN READING THE BLOGGO FOR A WHILE (heh), you'd know this has long been a struggle of mine.