Gif by Kevin Carter via
Hello, friends!
As always, I hope the week's been good to you. I took off from bklynprose last week + I'm having a hard time keeping up with consistent Instagram love. Signs are pointing to life is moving and there's enough to seize beyond social media. (Though it's important for spreading all this goodgood.)
This'll be a brief and sweet post today. Nothing heavy to discuss; just giving ya'll the lowdown on life before heading to bed in 45 minutes. (It's incredible that I left work @ 5:00 PM today and still managed to get home at 9:00 PM. This is what I get for being a busybody.)
Until I finished writing this mental health essay (I can't wait to share with ya'll which platform it's on!), I didn't realize how much my anxiety had improved in the last four months!
I stopped seeing my therapist for a few reasons (one of which I talked about in my last post), but beyond the mind stuff, I learned a lot about my body. To honor the "brief and sweet" promise, I'm learning how to breathe again; I'm learning how to stop the anxiety as I notice it. I'm figuring out the best ways for me to manage stress of all levels, which, IF YOU'VE BEEN READING THE BLOGGO FOR A WHILE (heh), you'd know this has long been a struggle of mine. Resolving the issue has been a process.
When I talk to folks about skateboarding, I instantly feel at ease. Nothing else--besides writing, and, at one time, drawing--has inspired me to be so focused and self-aware. When you're on your board there's nothing else to believe in but yourself.
You wanna pay attention to what other folks are thinking? Ga'head. But you will bust something, and it'll be a hard way down 😉
I plan to dedicate many more posts to my skating journey. Here's my first post about it: Why learning to skateboard will tackle your anxiety (if you're not afraid to fall). And below are some updated pix of my feets! (I have a cruiser, which you can find pix of when it was brand new right here.)
What a beautiful Sunday this was at Prospect Park in BK, NY!
Real proud of my squatting!!! Hahah. Waiting for the train (as always -_-)
I wish I could upload videos, but Squarespace doesn't allow it.
My life is significantly changing. I'm excited to share more details about how and why. For now, send all the glitter you can, and keep reading the bloggo 💡
And here's a recent picture of meeeeeee. Was feelin' everything about this look:
Ideally, my outfits would look like this on the daily. Working on that wardrobe upgrade.
Thanks for being awesome :] Stick around--there's way more of this to come and loads to share. All I'm doing is following my entire truth.
Until next time! And as I used to say on my YouTube channel before I gave up on recording all the time: Wherever you are in the world--whether it's day or night or whateva--make it a good one.