You are not alone. Via!
Wassup, ya'll?! Hope this week is treating you well.
At midnight last night, I realized we're halfway through October. I feel like I've done nothing for DVAM, so I'm completely disappointed in myself. My job schedule keeps me here until after 8:00 PM everyday, which makes it harder to post / show love / do things like normal people...........
Nonetheless, I have an idea brewing 🔮 Looking to host an open mic at a cafe in Brooklyn! Tryna put that in motion + donate the agreed proceeds to a nearby DV shelter / organization...
Since it takes a bit of extroversion to host an event, here's some shiny light for my introverted friends. (I've learned I'm a healthy mix of the two.)
Keep readin'!!
Introversion: may be the single-most incorrectly used word on the planet.
Susan Cain gave a dope TED Talk about introversion a few years ago. I started here to find some answers to the shy versus quiet confusion. The video has 17+ million views; I opened the link and was exploding with Cain's simple takeaways about the topic 💣
Cain, author of Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking, spoke of her experiences as an introverted child. She loved books and solo time, not group activities and team efforts. Beginning the speech with some necessary definitions, Cain said:
"Shyness is about fear of social judgement. Introversion is more about how you respond to social stimulation."
Ah. So no one is entirely introverted or extroverted.
Cain discussed how the 20th century--also known as the "culture of personality"--gave rise to city life and business ops, which turned small town, withdrawn folk into social mavens. An aversion to solitude grew once humans decided to create a bunch of stuff all the time. A need for connection intensified.
Extroverts are believed to be the bread and butter of human connection, and thus assumed to be more reliable leaders. But if you've ever been asked to speak up, work best in quiet spaces, and/or have a crystal clear mind when everyone shuts up, then then this post is for you!
Many performers, CEOs, and other authority figures have introverted qualities. "A lot of introverts can pass as extroverts," Sophia Dembling said to HuffPost for this article about introversion. Dembling is the author of “The Introvert’s Way: Living a Quiet Life in a Noisy World."
As it relates to today's post, activism is strengthened by introverted kinship. Introverts thrive within authentic interactions (i.e. no brown-nosing), and studies show introverts deliver better results than extroverted comrades. An introverts' eyes are sharp, they focus hard, and they're great with abstract content--they're already drawing up the next rally before the current one is done.
To help me complete this blog, I read this list of ways introverts can be activists via HuffPost. A lot of Julia Schemmer's 👋🏽 thoughts ring true for supporting DV survivors. I also took a peek at this introvert's guide to activism and this roundup of ways to be present during DVAM.
wear the right colors
Before this month closes, I'll be exploring the various colors that relate to DVAM. The broadest one is purple, which I talked about last week. Find a purple tee. Wear purple socks. Dye a piece of your hair purple if you're feelin' froggy.
T-shirts from the No More Campaign. Via!
share in solitude
Social media has created hobbits out of us all; we live in the caves of our inboxes and blinking notifications. Genuine introverts: keep using this to your advantage. Explore hashtags (like #metoo) and learn something new. Share your story (if you have one), or support other folk that come forward. Send documentaries like this incredible one about child prostitution to friends and family. Being behind the scenes gives you plenty of time to explore, which leads me to...
do a lot of research
If you're like me, few activities sound better than seven hours worth of reading and writing. Yes, I said it. I spend a HUGE chunk of my day admittedly doing both of these.
I love the feeling of accessible knowledge, and I don't spend my free time watching TV. Shoot, I'll sit next to you and read if that's company to you. Lmao. Stay in the know about current discussions that interest you, and one day, people will see you as the expert. (Heh.) the back of the room, maybe
This one's especially for my NYC peeps. City council meetings don't sound too sexy, but it's the best way to be a part of the change everyone else wants to see. Take up space in a dark corner if that sounds suitable.
it's okay to be artsy
If you'd like to take up literal space, start developing an artistic skill if you don't already have one.
Still in school? Decorate your locker! Or have a few friends over and make some DV-awareness crafts for folks to see whenever they stop by. The Clothesline Project is another solid example of being visually involved while taking a stand against DV.
As a rape survivor, I designed a t-shirt to speak up about sexual violence while studying at Penn State. I don't think I have the shirt or a picture of it 🤔 but that afternoon designing and admiring t-shirts sparked something within me. I knew I'd be a sexual violence awareness advocate, activist, or somethin' one day!
(^ More on that soon. My interview, which talks a bit about this moment, will be live on The Connection Corner!)
A Clothesline Project viewer. Image by Sam Gangwer via The Orange County Register!
donate those coins
This one's cut and dry. Everyone loves money. Shelters and organizations that create safe spaces for DV survivors are always in need of monetary assistance. Also, buying merch (tote bags, pins, phone cases) is another way to support their financial needs.
send emails (or snail mail)
Letters and emails get noticed. Resistbot has given agency to regular degular folks like you and me! This free app texts angry (heh) letters to public officials and Congress. You might've seen this bot all over Instagram last month when users professed their DACA support:
Das what Resistbot looks like in action.
become a photoshop sensei
A dope flyer changes everything. If an organization supports folks facing DV trauma and needs advertising done, your working knowledge will come in handy. Photoshop is high up on my to-learn list.
donate an old cell phone
This contribution is easily overlooked, but survivors will need a means of contact someone should they decided to leave their abuser. Donate cell phones and other useful electronic accessories to HopeLine, which is an awesome effort run by Verizon Wireless wooo!!!
There are many ways to support DV survivors + DVAM, and you won't always need a megaphone. Use your introverted qualities to create change in a way that feels authentic to you.
This was a long one. I try to keep it fun, tho. Thanks for reading :[] If you're digging this blog thang, click this to talk to me about contributing! And let's be friends ;] Here's some party pics.
Hover 'round the left sidebar for more bklynprose + see the right side for my older posts! Here's my previous one about how to be a supportive ally during DVAM. And here's an old gem from body positive + mental health month on the bloggo. (The latter was a guest blog by this gal named Katie!!!)