Via my Instagram!
So I wrote the intro to this blog last week before remembering where this note (pictured above) originated from. Here is the original post on Instagram. After 78 weeks, the words still ring true:
What inspires you?
How often do we ask ourselves this painfully simple question? Better yet:
Have you ever asked yourself that question? ... And then fully answered it?
At 78 weeks ago, I wasn't sure what this note meant. Today, I know being in front of the room inspires me to move. Hearing people's stories inspires me to move. Watching folks learn more about themselves upon opening up to their words -- this is what drives me. It drives my life, my passions, and my inspirations.
I'd love to hear an answer from you, person reading at home. What inspires you? (*Don't think too hard.*)
Let me know if this blog resonates, or if you're also into saving notes. Share a thought or experience, and toss a shoutout if you dug this post! I'm tryna keep these super light. At times, less words are what we really need 💡
If you're reading this, it's not too late to join us TONIGHT at Sixth Street Community Center from 7-9 PM! I would be honored to share space with anyone reading these! I'll be teaching a class I've dubbed, "Meditative Writing." Tix are here! And click on any of those links below to find us socially. We'll see you there.