Via @legendaryrootz Instagram
bklynprose was designed to feel expansive! I'm driven to create a space that encourages readers to explore and be real with themselves.
Despite the wonderful design and my intent, I've been struggling with how honest I should be in my posts. I want to teach other people to accept (~and maybe even love~) the parts of themselves they may despise. I started bklynprose without knowing HOW to do that, or if I was even qualified to try 🤔 BUT to have this goal in mind while shying away from being open about myself makes no sense!
so Here goes: I've struggled with my own mental health since about age 11. I'm 24 years old at this moment. *phew*
So what's the relevance?
I'm not always completely low, but my mental health interferes (on some level) with my day-to-day every day. What's more important is that millions of folks could relate to my sentiments! Also, I'm finding it really hard to write any of this out in plain language. I get to be cryptic with poems >.<
This is me being honest. Straight up. Sometimes it sucks to be clear. But when the truth knocks, what do you do with it?! When you're here, you betta keep it real.
What would you reveal in your honesty hour?
As always, thanks for reading! I tend to post three blogs per month. I like this idea, though I do want to get to once a week. Whichever week I do not post, know that it's an act of self-lovin'. Sometimes we need space in all the ways.
If you haven't done so already, catch up on a recent post about a mistake I make quite often. Find us at the social links below.